I got behind on my posting and on my book when my computer went down a few weeks ago. Please enjoy a sneak preview of my book. Leave a comment, suggestion, or critique below.
Throughout the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we have been promised blessings for reading and studying the Book of Mormon. This precious book of scripture has been prepared and preserved for our day. When Helaman is given these sacred records, he is told the Lord “will keep [them] and preserve [them] for a wise purpose in him, that he may show forth his power unto future generations” (Alma 37:14).
We are raising future generations in our homes. President Boyd K Packer, in the October 2013 General Conference, said, “The scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection. They contain the doctrine and laws and ordinances that will bring each child of God to a testimony of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer.”
This generation of children is more tempted than any that has come before. It is up to us to help the children build their armor of righteousness to stand against the temptations which surround them daily. President Packer promises, “Make scripture reading a part of your regular routine, and the blessings will follow. There is in the scriptures a voice of warning, but there is also great nourishment. They teach us where to go and what to do. They offer hope and knowledge.”
It is never too early or too late to begin studying the scriptures with your children and to bring them to the knowledge of Christ. President Packer teaches, “Children taught an understanding of the scriptures early in life will come to know the path they should walk and will be more inclined to remain on that path. Those who stray will have the ability to return and, with help, can find their way back.”
With these promises and blessings in mind, we can go forth with faith to lead our children to the scriptures. This effort does not need to be monumental, for we have been told “. . . that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. . .” (Alma 37:6).
This book presents a small and simple way to introduce the Book of Mormon to your children. I have used this approach with my children and can testify their understanding and love of the Book of Mormon, and of all scripture, has blossomed. I pray that by studying the Book of Mormon in this small and simple way, “soon [your family] will come to recognize the beauty and power found on those pages.” (The Key to Spiritual Protection by President Boyd K. Packer, October 2013 General Conference.)