Items needed:
A candle in a jar
A lid or small plate that will cover the jar
(it may get black from the flame, so be aware)
A way to light the flame
4 Nephi 1
Discuss: This story takes place after Christ came to visit the Nephites after he was resurrected.
Read: 4 Nephi 1:2-3 and 12-13
Discuss how people acted in these verses and what they did to keep Christ alive in their lives.
Light the candle.
Read: 4 Nephi 1:20
Discuss: Some people "revolted from the church." What things could have allowed this to happen?
(Do you think they were reading their scriptures, praying, serving others?)
Take the lid and place it partway onto the candle.
Read: 4 Nephi 1:24-34 Ask the kids to listen for things that the people did that pushed Christ out of their lives.
Discuss: What did the people do that pushed them away from Christ? How are the people different from the people at the beginning of the chapter?
Put the lid over the candle completely and make sure the kids see the light go out.
It needs oxygen. When you put the lid on, the flame cannot get oxygen and it will die.
Read: 4 Nephi 1:43-46
Ask: What was the oxygen needed to keep the flame of Christ lit? What could the people have done to keep this oxygen in their lives?
Discuss: What can we do all year long to remember Christ and keep his light in our lives?
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