Why didn't the priests grab Abinadi when king Noah told them to?
Mosiah Chapter 13
Invite the family into the kitchen for this lesson.
Begin to tell the story of Abinadi:
He was called to preach the word of the Lord to the people of king Noah. The people do not like what Abinadi tells them. They don't want to repent and change, and they don't want to hear that the Lord will destroy them. So, the people grab him and bring him to the king.
Now ask a child to help you with the stove. You can have him take a heating element out to clean underneath. Or, if you have a flat top stove, ask him to wipe the stove top.
Ask this child: Were you worried about helping me with this task? Why not?
Return to the story, but slyly turn on one of the burners. (This goes without saying, but make sure your kids are all safe while the burner heats up.)
Abinadi is brought before king Noah. He tells the king and his priests the same things he told the people: they need to repent and change or their kingdom will be destroyed. King Noah doesn't like what Abinadi says, so he tells the priests to take him and kill him.
Now the heating element should be glowing red. Ask another child to do the same thing you asked the first one to do.
Ask: Why won't you help me with this task? You didn't touch it, how do you know it is dangerous? (Somehow the child should mention that the stove is glowing or looks hot.)
Read Mosiah 13:5
Ask: Why don't the priests touch Abinadi? The Spirit of the Lord shone upon him. They know it is dangerous to touch Abinadi because they can see it.
Discuss: The Lord protected Abinadi in order for him to finish his mission. Do you think the Lord will protect you? When?
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