Hushing Fears

Items Needed:
A device that makes noise for each member of the family. (phone, tablet, laptop, ipod, etc)

Mosiah 23: 25-28

Discuss: This story takes place after Alma and the people who followed him escaped from King Noah. They fled and found a place to live in a place called Helam. 

Ask: Why were the people of Alma frightened?

Read: Mosiah 23:25-26

Answer: The Lamanite army was gathering around them. 

Have each person turn on their device. (It doesn't matter what, a video, music, etc, just something that makes noise.) As each device is turned on talk about how fear spreads from person to person and gets louder and scarier. Also point out that as you dwell on the fear, it is hard to hear anything else.

Ask: What did Alma say to them?

Read: verse 27

Answer: Alma told them to remember that God would deliver them.

Ask: What did the people do?

Read: verse 28

Answer: The people "hushed their fears." And began to pray.

Have each person turn off their devices one at a time. Discuss how peace and stillness comes back into the room as each "fear" is hushed. Discuss how hard it would be to pray in the confusion and noise and how much easier it is to focus and pray after the noise is hushed.

Ask: How is the noise like fear? How can you hush your own fears?

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