Using Your Agency

Prove Your "Metal"

Items needed:
Image result for soda can vs soup canEmpty soda can
Empty Soup can

Ask: Have you ever felt like you did not have a choice? (Let kids respond with thoughts.)

Let’s read from the Book of Mormon to see if we can learn more about choices.

Ask: Listen for the two things that all men are free to choose.
Read: 2 Nephi 2:27
Answer: We are free to choose liberty and eternal life or captivity and death.

Ask: Does this scripture teach that we are free to choose anything at any time?
Discuss: There will be times in our lives that we really do not have a choice (we can always choose not to do something, but there will be grave consequences, like not going to school etc), but this scripture is teaching us to choose to do good in this life.

Ask: Lehi is asking his sons to make good choices. As we read the next two verses listen for the words “will of” and let’s talk about whose will we could be following in each example.
Read: 2 Nephi 2:28
Answer: When we choose to follow the commandments we are following “his Holy Spirit.”

Read: 2 Nephi 2:29
Answer: When we choose eternal death, we are following the “will of the flesh” (and the evil therein).
Discuss: This is referring to how our body is easily distracted by Satan.

Pres Ezra Taft Benson said, “This life is a probation: a probation in which you and I prove our mettle.”
Look up Mettle in the dictionary: A person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way.

Discuss: Pres Benson tells us that we are here to prove our mettle. Let’s talk about a different kind of metal.

Show the two cans.
Discuss: Both of these cans are made of metal.
Image result for soda can vs soup can
Have someone, or each person taking turns, try to squish the two cans. Make sure they have a chance to see that the soda can squishes much easier than the soup can.

Ask: If both cans are metal, why is one weaker than the other?
Answer: They are made of different kinds of metal. The soda can is made of aluminum and the soup can is made of tin.

Ask: What kind of metal do you want to be made of? Do you want to give up easily and be squished by the trials around you?

Discuss: What can you do to prove your mettle in this life?

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