Sunday, October 25, 2015

Take Time Out

One of my most popular posts is about digital choices in scripture study. I still think this is a great choice, but I also think we need to be careful. 

We all know there are problems with the addictions of digital devices in our society.  Here is an interview with author Sherry Turkle about her book, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other.

She tells us that we are beginning to lose the art of face-to-face communications. We go to dinner with friends, but take turns texting, which leads to a surface conversation. Children complain that their parents are not paying attention to them. Teens refuse to even have a phone conversation because they cannot "plan out" what they are going to say like you can in a text.

It is obvious that our digital life is not going away, and there are many advantages to it, but what can we do to help minimize the negative affects on our family?

1) Make certain places/times in our home a digital free zone. Keep a basket in the living room for phones during meals.

2) Make a pledge to put phones/tablets/ laptops face down when someone is talking to you.

3) Have one scripture study a week a "digital free" study. Enjoy digging into the scriptures and highlighting by hand.

4) Help your kids be comfortable in a conversation. Help them make phone calls, talk to friends face to face, or visit neighbors.

5) Have fun together as a family, without devices. Play games, laugh together, take a walk.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Adding Scuba Diving to Your Scripture Study

Brother Durant introduced a new word to our vocabulary in the Sunday afternoon session of General Conference. He told us to "ponderize" a new scripture each week.

He told us that if we have been snorkeling in the scriptures, we can begin scuba diving. Let's Dive In!

He asked us to pick one scripture a week and to ponder it and try to memorize that scripture during the week. He also said that this was not to take the place of scripture study, but to add to it.
Here's some ideas for "ponderizing" scriptures with your family:

1) During you family scripture study, keep your heart open for a scripture that will touch your family.
2) Have your kids highlight the scripture chosen, print the scripture out and post it in your home.
3) Text the scripture to your teens.
4) Write the scripture on a post it and put it in your car. Say it out loud with your kids while you are on your weekly errands.
5) Take turns sharing thoughts about the scripture during breakfast or dinner.
6) Spend some time during one of your family scripture study time to discuss and write about the scripture in journals.