Last week I attended a class designed to educate parents to the dangers of internet addiction. I was surprised at the things I learned. Check this link for more info, especially for parents of teens and pre-teens:
Today we are the first generation to parent our children in a world driven by electronics. As I write this blog, on my computer, my husband is playing a game on a tablet and my two kids are watching TV in the next room. There is a new phrase, screen time, being used to describe the time we spend in front of any electronic screen (TV, computer, tablet, phone, etc). Remember that we are setting the example for how our grandchildren will be parented in this new age of technology.
Why am I writing about electronics and screen time on a blog about scripture study? It all comes down to choices and priorities. Think about how much screen time your children spend everyday. Now compare the amount of time spent studying the scriptures. Many times our busy days speed by and we end up hurrying our kids to bed before we realize we never took the time to read scriptures with them. Consider giving up some of that screen time to help your family move closer to the Lord.
But, do we need to choose study time over screen time? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has embraced the positive aspects of technology. Here are five ways to use technology while you study scriptures.
1) Let your kids use their devices while you study. Think of this: you can say, "Yes" with no guilt. Let them use their devices while you have family time. There are many sites available to download free scriptures. Here's my favorite: http://www.lds.org/scriptures/availability?lang=eng
2) When you come across a word or phrase that needs defining, let one of the kids look up the definition online. This will teach her how to find answers and allow her the pride of sharing knowledge with others.

4) Find videos that reinforce what you have been reading.
Here's one about true heroes, using Captain Moroni as an example: http://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2007-01-0006-firm-in-the-faith-of-christ?category=book-of-mormon/book-of-mormon-presentations
Here's one from the life of Christ. He invites children to come unto him: http://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2011-10-064-suffer-the-little-children-to-come-unto-me?category=bible-videos-the-life-of-jesus-christ&lang=eng
5) Check out other online sites to see what they have to offer. I found this one that offers things like, one verse a day emailed to you, a quick comparison of different biblical translations, and even Bible reading plans all lined out for you: http://www.biblestudytools.com/
Be careful how much time you and your kids spend staring at a screen, but don't be afraid to use the technology we have been blessed with to make your study time more productive and interesting. Warm up your Google search and see what you can find for today's study!
Anyone have suggestions for studying scriptures online?