You will need:
A few seeds
Three pots with soil
A box that will cover one of the pots
Show two seeds in your hand. Read Alma 32:28-31. Discuss that you don't know by looking at the seeds if they are "good" or "bad" seeds. You don't know if it will grow. The only way to find out is by planting them. Plant one of the seeds and water it. Discuss that after watering and making sure it has sunlight, you will see if the seed grows into a plant. If it grows, then it was a good seed.
Read verse 32. If the seed didn't grow after being cared for, then it was not good.
Once the seed begins to grow into a plant, do we still wonder if the seed is good? Read verses 33-34. No, we don't have to hope or wonder, we now have knowledge that the seed is good.
Now that the seed is growing, and you have a plant, what do we need to do with the plant? Read verse 37. We must nourish it and take care of it. Water the plant, make sure it has good soil or fertilizer, and put it in the sunshine.
Will this same seed keep growing if we stop taking care of it? Put the box over the top of the pot. Read verses 38-39. No, even a good seed needs to be cared for so that it can keep growing.
What will we receive for doing all this hard work? Read Alma 40-43. Once the plant is growing and maturing, you will get to eat the fruit from the tree.
Discuss what the seed represents. What if you want to gain a testimony of prayer? That desire is the seed.
How do you plant that seed? You plant it by saying your prayers.
How do you nourish the seed? You must nourish the seed with patience and diligence by praying sincerely and listening for answers.
How do you know if the seed is growing? You will begin to notice changes in your life (happiness, peace, answers to prayers.)
What if you stop praying? The seed will die.
What is the fruit you will get from the tree? Everlasting life (verse 41).
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