A box of toothpicks
A rubber band
A copy of The Family: A Proclamation to the World
Ask: Why are families important?
Read: The first paragraph of the Proclamation.
Answer: The family is central to the Creator's plan (Heavenly Father's plan).
Ask: How can we make our families stronger?
Pass around one toothpick to each member of the family.
Have them each name one way they could make the family stronger. Then have them break the toothpick. Discuss how easy it is to break the stick.
Ask: What are some ways that Heavenly Father asks us to strengthen the family?
Read: D&C 88:118-119
As you read the scriptures have one person put a toothpick in his hand for each action directed in the scripture. Add another toothpick for each member of the family. Then use the rubber band to tie the toothpicks together.
Let someone try to break the bundle of toothpicks.
We want our family to be strong and we can do that by working together to obey God's commandments.
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