The Keystone of Our Religion

Items needed:
Playdough or homemade clay

Ask: What did Joseph Smith say about the Book of Mormon?

Read: The introduction of the Book of Mormon, paragraph 6. 

Answer: It was the most correct of any book on earth, it is the keystone of our religion, and it will get you nearer to God than any other book.

Ask: What is a keystone? 

Show the picture of a keystone and talk about what would happen if that stone was taken out. If the stone was gone, the arch would fall.

Ask: How is the keystone like the Book of Mormon? 

Answer: If the Book of Mormon is not true, then Joseph Smith was not a prophet. The true church would not have been restored, etc.

Ask: Why is it important to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon?

Ask: How can YOU gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon?

Let the kids make an arch with a keystone out of clay and see how the arch depends on that important stone.

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