Choose Your Path

You Can Choose Your Path Like Alma and the Sons of Mosiah
Mosiah 27

You will need:
Colored Pencils
a Popsicle stick, if desired

Make "flat Alma" like the pictures below, you could have each child make their own (they could even make flat Ammon, Aaron, Omner and Himni). *Note: Alma in this lesson refers to Alma, the son of Alma.

Side 1: The color didn't show up great, Color this side bright yellow.

Side 2: Color this side a muddy brown.
Have the children hold their "flat Almas" and show the side that illustrates how Alma must have been feeling as you read each verse.
Read: Mosiah 27:7
Read: verses 8 and 9
Read: verses 11 and 14
Discuss that Alma was brought before his father, Alma, and he was unconscious for two days and nights. Read: verse 23
Read: verse 28
Read: verse 29
Read: verses 35-37
Discuss: How did Alma's choices affect his happiness? 
Discuss: Was Alma forced to change? Did he choose to change? (You could compare the story of Laman and Lemuel seeing an angel. Did they change? Seeing an angel doesn't mean you will change, it just gives you more knowledge to make a choice.) Does Heavenly Father force us to do anything? Why should we choose the right?
Optional discussion: Discuss the friendship of Alma the younger and the Sons of Mosiah. They all changed together, why?
Conclusion: How do your choices affect your happiness? What changes can you make to reflect the lighter side of "flat you"?

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