2 Soup Cans
Discuss: At this time in the Nephites' history Nephi (son of Helaman) was preaching to the Nephites, but they weren't listening.
Activity: Have a child stand on one soup can. See how long he can balance without falling off.
Ask: Why did the Lord send a Lamanite to preach to the Nephites?
Read: Helaman 13:1
Ask: What happened to Samuel when he tried to preach? Why did he end up on the wall?
Read: verses 2-4
Ask: What happened to those who heard Samuel's words?
Read: Helaman 16:1-5
Tell: Most of the people did not believe Samuel, but for today we are focusing on those who did.
Activity: Now add the second soup can and let the child put one foot on each can.
Discuss: Why was it easier to balance on two cans? Do you think it was easier for the people to believe two prophets (Samuel and Nephi)?
Discuss: What are some other examples of people needing to hear from two witnesses? (Alma and Amulek, Peter and Paul, Ammon and the Sons of Helaman, Moses and Aaron, Joseph and Hyrum Smith, etc)
Conclusion: We are blessed to have the Book of Mormon and the Bible to give us two witnesses to balance our testimony on.
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