an egg (boiled is best)
an empty toilet paper roll
an aluminum pie tin
a glass or jar mostly full of water (leave room for the egg)
a broom

1 Nephi 3-4
First set up the objects on a table in this order:
The glass or jar full of water with the pie tin on top.
Set the toilet paper roll on top of the pie tin, right in the middle, then place the egg in the roll (put the large side of the egg pointing down to avoid the egg from getting stuck inside the roll).
Set the items with the glass very near the edge of the table and the pie tin sticking out over the edge of the table.
Discuss: Tell the children they need to get the egg inside the glass without touching any of the objects on the table. Let them talk about how they might be able to do it. They may come up with a way to do it. It is up to you to decide if you let them continue or if you want to just discuss how hard it would be and if it might be "impossible."
Discuss: The Lord asks Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, and Sam to go back to Jerusalem to get the plates of brass from Laban.
Ask: How does Laman and Lemuel react to this command?
Read: 1 Nephi 3:5
Answer: They do not want to go, and say it is a "hard thing."
Discuss: Why was it such a hard thing? (It was a long way back to the city. The man (Laban) who had the plates was a powerful and rich man. There is no reason he would want to give the plates to them.)
Ask: What does Nephi say about the command?
Read: 1 Nephi 3:7
Answer: He says he will go because he knows the Lord will help them.
Discuss: The brothers go to Jerusalem and try twice to get the plates. Laman asks Laban for the plates. He says no and chases Laman away. They then try to buy the plates with the riches and treasure they had left behind when they fled the city. Laban steals their treasures and tries to have them killed. The brothers hide in a cave and Laman and Lemuel begin to beat Nephi and Sam in anger. An angel appears and tells the brothers to try again.
Ask: Why does the angel say they should go back and try one more time?
Read: 1 Nephi 3:29 (the last sentence)
Answer: The angel says the Lord WILL deliver Laban into their hands.
Discuss: It doesn't say, might, or probably. It says will.
Ask: What does Nephi say to talk Laman and Lemuel into trying again?
Read: 1 Nephi 4:1
Answer: He says that the Lord is mightier than the the whole earth. He will help them succeed.
Ask: What does Nephi do as he goes into the city to get the plates?
Read: 1 Nephi 4:6
Answer: He goes into the city without a plan. He knows that the Lord will help him.
Discuss: Nephi believed that the Lord wouldn't ask him to do something unless he would provide a way for him to accomplish it. I have asked you to do something very hard, maybe impossible. If I provide a way for you to do it, will you?
Bring out a broom and set it under the edge of the table. Step on the bristles and bend the handle back away from the table. Ask if anyone would like to try to get the egg into the cup without touching it now. Let a child either hold the broom handle back and let it go, or if a bigger child, he can step on the bristles himself and pull the handle back.

Discuss: Nephi finds Laban and is told by the spirit to kill him. He does so and gets the plates. He and his brothers take them back to their father in the wilderness.
Discuss: We must trust in the Lord and know that he will help us to accomplish anything he has asked of us. Just as I provided the way to accomplish this hard task.
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