Book of Mormon

Have each person (or partnership if you have young ones who will need help) number their papers 1-10. (You may be able to let the younger ones draw pictures for their answers.)
Background: This scripture guidance is given when Alma and Amulek teach the Zoramites the correct way to pray. The Zoramites are praying only in the church (on the Rameumptom) and those who were poor are not allowed in. They think they can't pray and are discouraged. Amulek teaches these people how and where to pray.
Discuss: As we read the advice Amulek gives to the Zoramites, let's look at each verse and decide how his counsel can help you in your life today.
Read: Alma 34:18- Cry unto him for mercy.
1)Write down what that means to you. Ex: Ask for forgiveness when I yell at my sister.
Read: Alma 34:19- Humble yourselves and continue in prayer unto him.
2)Write down what that means to you: Ex: Don't stop praying even when you feel like it doesn't matter.
Continue with all 10 verses.
Help the kids to understand things like fields and flocks could mean school work or goals they are trying to achieve.
Share the thoughts written on each paper.
Discuss: What can you do in your prayers to follow Amulek's guidance? Consider keeping the paper by your bed to help guide your prayers. How do you think following his advice will change your relationship with Heavenly Father?
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