Prayer takes Work

Items needed:
Two tin cans
a length of string
a nail


Tell children to listen for "action" words in the scriptures you will read.

Read (or have children take turns reading):
Enos: 1:4

Words found: hungered, kneeled, cried, cry, raise

Read: Enos 1:9

Words found: heard, desire, pour

Read: Enos 1:11-12

Words found: heard, prayed, strugglings, prayed, labored

Ask: How do these words sound? Do you think Enos worked hard or was lazy while he prayed?

Ask: How did the Lord reward Enos' hard work? (Read verse 12 again.)
Answer: He granted Enos' desires because of his faith.

Punch a hole in the bottom of each tin can and push the string through. Tie a knot in the string so that the cans are now tied to each end of the string. Then let two kids each hold a can and pull the string tight. Let them talk like on a telephone.

Have them talk while they let the string loose. It is harder to hear what the other person is saying.

Compare how it is easier to communicate when you "work hard" and pull the string tight than when you are lazy and let the string sag. 

Remember to work hard when you pray. Don't be lazy. The Lord wants to hear your prayers.

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