A flashlight or candle
A dark room
A picture of the temple
Discuss: We are going to read how King Lamoni felt after hearing about the gospel. Remember that Ammon taught this king of the Lamanites about Christ and he was so happy that he fell to the earth.
Ask: What took the place of the "dark veil of unbelief" in King Lamoni?
Read: Alma 19:6
Answer: The Light.
Discuss: How is this light described?

Turn off the lights and ask someone to move somewhere or bring you something.
Then give them the flashlight and have them do it.
Ask: Why was it easier with the light? Do you want to live your life in darkness or with the light?
Ask: Where is one place on earth that we can find God's light? (Show the picture of the temple.) How do temples help us to find our way?
Ask: What can we do to focus more on the temple instead of the things that try to distract us and let us get lost?
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