1) Just Do It!
Schedule time into your calendar. Be creative. I've seen some families have two or more study times to make sure everyone in the family has a chance to study. Do what it takes to make it happen.
2) Use the knowledge you have already been given.
There are study guides and ideas all around you. Use seminary/institute guides, Sunday school manuals, Book of Mormon Reader, or lds.org to help with your study. (Just don't get overwhelmed with all the materials available. Pick one and move forward.)
3) Make it a priority.
It's so easy to finally make it to the end of the day and then realize you never had scripture study. Make sure you fit the big rocks (like prayer and scripture study) into your daily jar before pouring the pebbles and sand in. You will be surprised to find that everything fits!
4) Make it fun and interesting.
The goal of family scripture study is to help the children grow to love the scriptures. Always keep in mind that forcing the study can backfire and make the scriptures one more chore. Aim to pass your love of scriptures on to your kids. Help them enjoy learning. This is much more important than "finishing."