I have always been a fan of books. I love to hold a book, to turn the pages, to smell the musky papers. A few years ago, my sweet husband bought me a kindle, thinking that my love of books would mean a kindle would be the perfect gift. I have used it a bit, but it seems my preference of a "real" book wins out. So this preference carries over to scriptures, too. I have the scriptures on my phone, but I still carry the big bulky book to church every week, I hunt it down for family scripture study.
But, recently I began to use and explore the digital version of the scriptures along with the notebook on LDS.org. There are some definite advantages of digital. Here's some reasons to consider using digital scripture study.
1) It sure makes cross referencing easier. Instead of having to turn countless pages to look up just one cross reference, you just click on the word (colored blue) and the footnote scriptures appear. Then all you do is click on each scripture and it takes you directly to that scripture. Easy, breezy.
2) No need for colored pencils. You can highlight in all different colors by just clicking on the color of your choice. Consider using different colors for different topics.
3) You can have your scriptures with you always. Admit it, you never leave your home without your phone. Voila, you never leave your home without your scriptures!
4) You can record your thoughts and inspiration without worry of limited space. Instead of trying to squeeze your notes in the margins, you can click on the "pencil" on the bottom of the page to leave unlimited notes. You can even title the entries and add them to your digital notebook on LDS.org.
5) Speaking of your notebook: Use your LDS account online, sign in and check out your notebook. You can save notes, "file" your favorite talks or scriptures under your own headings, bookmark important items, and have a digital journal. Any device you sign in on can open this notebook. Great way to have all your notes at your fingertips.
6) You can share your inspirations with a click. Once you have a scripture highlighted, you click on the three squares in the right hand corner and choices will pop up. You can then click on share annotation and share via social media or email. What a cool way to share your thoughts with your teens!
7) Speaking of teens: Knowing how to use your digital scriptures and encouraging your older children to use their devices is a great way to encourage scripture study in your teens.
So, go sign on to lds.org and see what you can discover! You might just begin to enjoy the digital age of scripture study.
We all know that studying the scriptures is a commandment. But doing it is not always easy. Check out some of the blessings promised to you for keeping this commandment:
"The way to develop greater spirituality . . . ." Ezra Taft Benson
". . . greater wisdom with which to guide ourselves and our families . . . ." Spencer W Kimball
“There’s an increase in faith and a desire to do what’s right and a feeling of inspiration and understanding . . . ." Bruce R McConkie
"The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents." Marion G. Romney
". . . you will not be deceived in these perilous times, but you shall have the spirit of discernment and you shall know the truth and shall know falsehood, for you shall have power to know the spirits of men and to understand the Spirit of the Lord.” Joseph Fielding Smith
“... an added measure of the Spirit of the Lord, a strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to His commandments, and a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God." Gordon B Hinckley
"Children taught an understanding of the scriptures early in life will come to know the path they should walk and will be more inclined to remain on that path. Those who stray will have the ability to return and, with help,can find their way back." Boyd K Packer
"...have faith rather than fear, to find hope and overcome despair, to leave darkness and turn toward the light of the everlasting gospel." Boyd K Packer
There will be peace in our homes, love and kindness will grow, children will listen to their parents, and parents will counsel with their children in patience. Daniel L Johnson
Just like kids, we all like to know why we should do what we are told. The blessings we are promised can help to give the extra boast needed to move forward.
Which blessings are inspiration for you?