Monday, October 7, 2013

Keys of Protection

Elder Boyd K Packer told us in the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference (Oct 2013) that "scriptures hold the key to our spiritual protection." They teach of actions we should take and things to be wary of. They teach the language of our Heavenly Father and of His love for us. They tell the story of Jesus and the gift of His life.

It is our job as parents to begin instilling the habit of scripture study in our children as early as possible. Moses said, "Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children." (Deut. 6:7)

I began studying the Book of Mormon with my children as young as three and found that they quickly learned the language of the scriptures. My testimony of reading from the scriptures has grown along with my children.

Years ago I searched for a book to help me study the Book of Mormon with my kids, but I couldn't find it, so I decided to write one.  I have learned through my life that simplicity is the key to success, so my guide follows the simple format of "ask a question, find the answer in the scriptures, then discuss." We know that by "small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6). Elder Packer promised us that if we "make the scriptures a part of our routine, . . . we will find hope and peace for ourselves and our families." That is a blessing I could use in this world of "perilous times."

I am now ready to share this guide with you. I will have the book self-published in the next few weeks, but the first five people to fill out the contact form below will receive the first chapter of my book for free by email.

Through this blog and my book, A Small and Simple Guide for Studying the Book of Mormon with Your Children, I will share hints and inspirations to include the Book of Mormon in your life.

I pray that you will find strength in studying the Book of Mormon with your children and that you will share your joy with others.

Leave a comment: Is this something you could use in your life? Why or why not?


  1. I don't have any young kids anymore...nor grandkids yet...but I'm thinking your approach might work well for Jason's scripture study. I'll have to look into it.

  2. Tanya:
    Thanks for asking. I think this approach would work great for people who learn differently. I'm going to do some research into other learning styles and how my book can help families with kids (of all ages) who have learning disabilities.

  3. Absolutely! I have a 5 year old and we have been reading scriptures daily for over a year and a half. In that time we have managed to miss only 2 days. I refuse to send her to school without first family scriptures and prayers because I know it is a protection.
    Congratulations on your book! That is an amazing feat.

    1. Thanks so much! I wish I could say we have only missed 2 days, but I always say- do your best then keep on going!

  4. This.sounds perfect for my grandchildren who I watch! Great idea!!
